Thursday, 25 August 2022

Space Marine Chaplain

From the Indomitus set. I only bought the box because I wanted a bunch of Necrons at an economical price, but I confess I quite enjoyed painting one of these new-fangled Space Marines. 


Stormcast Sequitor

3rd from the partwork issue #1 set. One year on from my unlapse. There are aspects that need revision but the overall result I am very happy with. My signature style is dirty and weathered it seems. 


Necron tests

One took months to finish off, the other 4 days. Yes I paint slow as I sporadically dab away 10 minutes at a time. A Praetorian omitted from the shot was my first go at a Necron, a colour test. The Royal Warden was my first foray into dry-brushing a metallic base coat (over black primer) after watching an Artis Opus video. The result is very lush and I highly recommend trying it at least once. 

Very pleased with the ancient look of the metal I achieved, particularly on the Warden, but no way of telling from a crappy phone camera image. 


Oldhammer Minotaur by Nick Bibby

Scratch one from the leadpile. Serious old-school excellence from arguably (discuss alternatives below), the best metal-mini-monster-maker in the 80's, Nick Bibby.  
