Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Prompt : : :

 Just for fun. 

 Generate some images of a hobbyist painting wargaming miniatures in a caricature style

Could be worse. Has trouble rendering small faces but the overall impression of the figures is fairly decent.

Create an image of a master miniature painter, building a diorama.

Much better. The first in the batch is accidentaly meta.

Created with Microsoft Copilot.


Thursday, 5 October 2023

GW & Plastic Waste, Part 6b - Single Use Plastic

I started writing this draft back in January, so predating the sprue collection scheme now running in GW stores. Good news then, in principle. Now that this critique is largely moot, in future I might write about using alternatives to fossil fuel plastics for mini manufacture. 


Government announces widespread ban on single use plastic. Rare and uncommonly good piece of good news from this wretched government.

But let's consider what defines 'single use' in the context of a Games Workshop plastic sprue.

Obviously, the miniature on a sprue is far from being a single use object. 

A standard Necromunda gang box has two identical frames, and makes for a perfect illustration.
So consider the Delaque ganger sprues below...

A sprue has one job - to safely harbour model parts until it gets into a customers hands. A sprue really doesn't have to be like this, at all. 


A sprue can be so much more than this to a hobbyist, but change is hard, and people often don't like change. 

