Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Chaos Champions, Old & New-ish

Been in semi-lapsed mode since the last entry, spending bare minutes at a time actually painting. A couple of days ago gave myself a mental boot up the backside and finished the last details on these guys.

The One With No Name. I have given names to all the Chaos Champions I have painted to date, except for this one. This is one of the few unfinished jobs from the mid-90's that didn't get a Dettol bath. Quite pleased with the final result. Should now give Skull Man a proper character name.

Now this one does have a name - Sapir Redwolf. Come to think of it, I've no idea where the name came from, but its in my old written logbook, maybe picked out of a Realm of Chaos tome. I don't recall the Champions series getting individual names like Citadel used to do before all the big changes in 1988. Mostly painted sometime in 1994, sort of finished in 2011 (can't be arsed with the sword, looks fine as is.)

Gurni Ironarm. Another mostly painted in 1994. Just needed small details filled in, extra washes. I made an attempt at zenithal highlighting on the sword, but I knew early on that it would not look right, even if executed well. 

And to finish, some genuinely old (and genuinely dusty) stuff. From left to right: Aggrius Heartspiker, Velutus the Perverse, and Caramon the Rabid. All painted in 1992. Nearly 20 years later they still have something going for them. Just like many a painter, I am a disciple of the great man himself, John Blanche, and I'll be blogging more of my minis bearing his influence.

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